Arcangelo Gabriele Loddo
The artisan
Arcangelo Loddo inherited his skills and passion for fine carving from his father Paolo, a talented craftsman who started as a carver and then focused on pottery, involved in the creative and fruitful post-WWII scenario that gave birth to the distinctive Dorgali pottery. Arcangelo resumed and developed his father's original passion for woodworking, going back to the most deeply-rooted traditions of the island, characterized by a simple and peculiar craftsmanship, embellished by the distinctive iconographic repertoire of stylised incisions. His work shows the stylistic contamination of other local crafts, such as pottery, reinterpreted into modern objects that combine function and tradition in an intuitive way.

The collection
The production of classic and modern customized furniture is offered in addition to a prestigious line of traditional products. Local traditional products such as chests, small stools and typical shelves, come with personal reinterpretation, always characterized by top-quality craftsmanship and precious carving.
The technique
In the workshop, he implements manufacturing techniques which meet the needs of the customer, offering a personalized and refined taste and artifacts with accurate finishing touches, including valuable handmade carved decorations.
More details on the Mediterranean Crafts Archive
To get to know the territory, the techniques and the tools, visit the relevant section.
Where to find them
Telefono: +39 0784 96036